Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rugby and Apartheid.

Rugby has allowed the nation to Unite as a common goal to achieve the world cup. The president did not just favor the blacks but also the whites. He said that if the whites behaved then the world cup would be held in south africa. So they did behave. Also the blacks were happy to be freed from apartheid. Also the president wore the old team cap and jersey. This told the blacks that it was alright to support and be friends with the whites. This also gained support of the whites because it was one of the last things they had to keep. It told the whites that it would not be segregation against the whites. Also the black player I think really brought a black appreciation for the team. I think that sports is a good way for the nation to achieve apartheid becuase every body plays. It does not just concern one race. Both races played it and enjoyed watching the sport. So the sport took both sides to bring the Rugby World Cup to them.

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