Monday, February 8, 2010

Mahandas Gandhi

Why was he able to gain independence?
-He related to the people and was not scared of the authorities. He did not only relate to Hindu's, but also Muslim's. Gandhi dressed as a lesser man than he was. This showed the people that he did not only think of himself. He wanted the rich to be equal with the poorer castes of the caste system. The violence the British showed drew more attention to the cause Gandhi was standing for. It also bring about the attention to the British government. Gandhi also went to jail without trial. This encouraged people to be involved in the operation because the people in the audience were angered and were up roared. He has also brought all the people to be non violent and peaceful. gandhi also had other followers and the entire Indian race both Hindu's and Muslim's together to take a beating and to not fight back.

Do you think that Gandhi ever enjoyed his accomplishments? Why or why not?
No I do not think that Gandhi ever enjoyed his accomplishments. I think this because he wanted a united country and he wanted to unite the Muslim's and Hindu's. This was only done for a short period of time while the British were there. So once his work was done it was also undone. The no violence policy Gandhi achieved while fighting for independence was never really achieved.

Do you think that there would still be violence if Gandhi lived today?
No I do not think so because he would find a way to unite the people together. Gandhi would find a way to convince the people to love each other. He would use peace to stop the fighting. That is the problem in this world today. People try to stop violence with violence. We are killing people in Iran and Pakistan, but it only brings more hatred towards the opposing nations. Just like in the movie when the man said he had killed a baby because they had killed his. Gandhi told him that peace would save him. So Gandhi would be doing the opposite of the world today and would bring peace.

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