Monday, April 26, 2010


Section 1: They have suicide bombers and they attack their own people and the rest of the world. There have been attacks all around the world. 10% of all the Islams are radicals and more hate westerns. Why do the people living in the Middle Eastern countries involved n this conflict rise against the terrorists. I know that they strike incredible fear into their people but for every one terrorist there is nine non terrorist Islams. After seeing this section and the way they raise their youth to hate American's I am amazed that people of the United States and United Nations can not support our decision to enter the Middle East. Also if all these other countries have been attacked by Al -Queda and Osama bin Laden, why are we the only ones in the Middle East and Iran? If every nation entered Iran we could find Osama bin Laden much faster.

Section 2: The Jihad is a war for Allah the Islamic god and westerners must die. They teach this to the young people of Islam. They reach that Americans are trying to take over the world. The people of Islam believe that Jihad is a battle for God.

Sections 3: In Arab media they portray Americans and Jews as Satan and evil. People after 9/11 came to look at themselves and American's fault that the Arabs hate us. But it was not true and it is only the Arabs mind set. They use propoganda to spread the terrorist idea. many of the music is against the Americans and they celebrated on the streets when 9/11 happened.

Section 4: On the streets they say U.K. you will pay and their leaders openly say that they will destroy Americans and Jews and Brits. The high jackers were praised and called the magnificant 19. The Muslims and kill and sell Americans according to some leaders. The Jihad have soldiers all over the World, in Britain and such. The terrorists use our democracy against us and come into our country and train themselves to blow up the towers on our soil.

Section 7: Its amazing how similiar the Jihad is to Hitler's war. The way they use propoganda is the same and also the goal is similiar. They want to take over the world and destro an entire culture. Also they attract the youth and I think that the Jihad is like Hitler's underground army. They also use lies like the Jews need blood for Matza just as Hitler said lies about the Jews.

Section 8: I guess they got their ideas from Hitler because the Muslim's were very close to Hitler. i think that maybe Husseini brought his propoganda strategies back with him. Also the Middle Eastern people must have believed Hitler as well as their leaders because the soldiers fought with the S.S. Amy.

Section 9: When the Muslims are destroying Churches they actually are going against Muhommad.

Section 10: I think that they are exactly correct about how we need to support the non radicals as much as possible. To put them into power. I think that if we do exactly as we did in Afghanistan by empowering a Democracy then the terrorists will have no where to run. If all people gave up fear of the terrorists to fight them to expell them from this world.

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